Cozy Companions: The 8 Best Patrons in Tavern Talk
Rogues, clerics and vampires, oh my! Check out my ranking of the eight best tavern companions in the cozy visual novel game, Tavern Talk!
Friendship in Final Fantasy XVI: Ranking Clive’s Various Valisthea Connections
Each individual in Final Fantasy XVI is delightful, but - as you’ll see from the list below - some citizens simply shine brighter than others.
Grief Across the Nine Realms: Woe and Womanhood in God of War: Ragnarok
To be a woman and live in the world of Ragnarok means to live bravely, love deeply, and cling fast to those you care for.
JRPGirlie’s Review System
Let’s talk about game rating systems. They differ from person to person, company to company, but they all boil down to one defining characteristic: How good is a specific video game?